Monday, March 31, 2014

Tapering Thoughts

19 days until Marathon #24

I'm feeling pretty good today considering how many miles I logged last week.  I capped it off yesterday by going for a 23 mile run, this wouldn't have been bad except it was pretty windy in spots and it is dry out so it was very dusty.  I am paying the price today because I have a runny nose and dry throat from all the dust.

This is the time that I start tapering back on what I am doing so that when I get to the starting line I am ready to go and don't have dead legs. 

A few of the things I do (or don't do):
- I quit using the stair or step machines for any cardio at the gym
- I will lift legs this week but lightly and then not again until after the race
- My longest runs the next two weeks will be 13 miles or so
- I lift a bit lighter the next few weeks, there is no reason to do heavy dead lifts at this point.
- I will still continue to run every day and lift weights on 6 days a week but the intensity get's dialed back a bit.
- The last week my motto is to relax and get lazy if I can.  Nobody every benefited from training hard the week of a marathon.
- I start checking the weather where I am running (in this case it is Salt Lake City) so I can plan what I am bringing with me to run in.  I have to be prepared for the best and worst case scenario weather wise.
- I cut out eating any cheese or dairy products two weeks before a race.  I find I just feel better doing this for some reason.
- I make sure all my travel is set and I know where I am going the week of the race (I don't like to be scrambling the last minute).
- The week of the race if I am home and can I go to the chiropractor a couple times to get adjusted.  Most likely I don't really need to get adjusted (I go around once a month or if I am having any issues) but will do it anyway.
- The week of the race at some point I will take a bath in epsom salts.  Someone told me about this years ago so I tried it.  For me it makes the soreness and all the little aches and pains go away.
 - The day before the race I pick up my bib and go through the expo but I want to be done walking around by 1.  I learned the hard way (in New Orleans) that the day before a race is not the day to be a tourist no matter where you are.
- I always bring compression socks with me to wear the the night before the race and for the plane ride to get back home.  They really do help with recovery.
- The week of the race I will be eating more complex carbs each day.  Carbo loading the night before a race doesn't help me but the week leading up to it does.

That is all I can think of right now, does anyone else have a routine for tapering and preparing for a race?

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