Monday, December 22, 2014

How I'm starting off 2015

I've decided to try and start off 2015 in a more positive frame of mind.  With that in mind I am going to try or hope for going forward.  I'm NOT calling these New Year's Resolutions because I don't believe in those.

1. The guys at the various gyms who apparently have never been taught good lifting form, I'm not going to get annoyed by you.  That is between you and the doctor that is going to have to fix you when you injure yourself.   Sorry but if you can't do the exercise right then use less weight!

2. I'm not going to contribute to running websites that rely on people for content such as race reviews then have online chat sessions and give sarcastic responses to people.  I've seen this happen a few times and frankly it doesn't make you clever it shows you are an idiot.

3. I have lots of running & fitness minded friends on Facebook and Twitter.  Some people run and don't lift weights and vice versa.  I wish they would both be respectful of each other and realize that just because you might do one and not the other that their workouts or accomplishments are diminished.

4. If you ask me for advice repeatedly yet continually ignore it I am just going to try and smile and respond to your questions with questions.  Or if you text me I will give one word responses along with an emoticon!  Reasoning: A person I was trying to help continues to do foolish things like go run in the afternoon when it is 90+degrees with no water and then wonders why they feel awful after a few miles.

5. I'm going to try and be nicer to those concerned about my health over me running every single day, running multiple marathons every year along with lifting weights but I really don't need it.  I know you might have read on the internet that there might be health risks associated with doing this but really I have never felt better.

6. I am still not going to be interested in listening to how people's P90x/crossfit workouts are going considering this is the first exercise program they have followed for more than a month.

7. I will try and better understand those that post multiple times every day about anything possibly running related followed up by runfies from 4 different angles during their last run.  I understand people like doing this but I just don't understand it, which I guess makes me old school.  I don't even carry a phone when I run.

8. Be more encouraging and supportive to those getting into running or lifting.

9. Running on a treadmill vs running outdoors, running races every weekend vs. never entering any races, lifting weights vs yoga, etc., everybody is different so do what works for you.

10. I am going to shake up my routine and run in different places, try some different gyms, try different classes and I am going to buy a treadmill so I have the flexibility to run at different times and it is not dependent on the weather or going to a gym.

11. I am signed up for three marathons, one 1/2 marathon, two 10k's and a 14.5 mile race at extreme elevation.  I am looking for one more marathon in late fall but I think my race calendar is getting full.